Need some inspiration for your bucket list but bored of the classic skydive and road trip ideas?
Run out of ideas for this year or already thinking ahead to next year?
Well look no further, here are ten unusual bucket list ideas that will hopefully spark your interest and give you a challenge to complete!
1) Go to a bread making class at a boulangerieÂ
This is a fun activity to do alone or with someone else! Simply google your nearest boulangerie (or patisserie or chocolatier if you fancy something sweeter) and look for any workshops that they have. The best part is that you get to eat what you make and take home the recipes!
2) Learn how to bind books
A perfect activity for all book lovers! Have a look for book binding workshops online in your area and go along to learn a new skill. Not only will you then be able to make your own books in the future but it will make you appreciate books even more. Plus it comes in handy when you need present ideas!
3) Travel to all of the countries beginning with a certain letter
This one is a bit of different take on the usual ‘travel the world’ bucket list idea. Try travelling to all of the countries beginning with a certain letter of the alphabet, such as A for instance, or how about even trying the whole alphabet! Some of the letters will be easier than others which means you can adjust the challenge to how competitive you’re feeling! This one can be completed whether you go alone or with someone else, or you could even set it as a challenge for other people.
4) Publish an e-book
With things becoming more and more digitalised, how about publishing an e-book? It’s now easier than ever with sites such as Amazon and it is an accessible challenge for everyone. You can write about something you’re good at or just something you enjoy. It doesn’t even matter if no-one reads it! This could simply be a personal bucket list challenge or it could end up becoming your next business…
5) Try permanent jewellery
A new trend has been going round recently where people are getting permanent jewellery. Why not try it for yourself? It’s a nice way to remember a moment or as a shared memory with friends or family. You can google your nearest store online that offers it and go for it!
6) Get a caricature done in the street
Do you always see those caricature artists in the street but have never had one done? Well now is the time! Get a caricature done of yourself and your friends or family either in your home time or when on holiday. Not only is it a funny souvenir, but you can also find out what characterises you!
7) Go on a night-time walking tour of your favourite city
Instead of going on a day tour of a city, why not try a night-time walking tour? It could be a tour of your hometown or of a city abroad. By going at night, you get to see and learn about different things than when you are there during the day. It’s a fun way to explore a city and you might even see some ghosts!
8) Host a rainbow picnic
In case you missed the trend, the idea is that everyone gets assigned a colour and has to bring a food item of that colour. For example, for yellow you might bring bananas, yellow M&Ms, lemons etc… A rainbow picnic can be a great summer memory to do with friends or family. You could even create a rule that everyone has to bring the weirdest picnic items possible!
9) Let a hairdresser do what they want with your hair
Take a fun risk by going to the hairdressers and letting them do whatever they want with your hair! If you’re really worried, you could define a few non-negotiable criteria but the main goal is to let go of the control and see what happens.
10) Go to the airport/train station and get on the first flight/train!
Discover a new place by going to the airport or train station and getting on the first trip on the departure boards! If possible, try and go to somewhere completely new or that you’ve never heard of before to make it even more fun. You could go alone, with friends or family, or ask your loved ones to pick a destination for you!
As always leave a comment below if you have any other ideas. Check out my post on my 2023 goals here!
Which unusual bucket list ideas are you going to try?
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