I love learning new words. Ever since I was a child, I’ve loved reading and learning new vocabulary as I go along. This is especially fun when you learn a foreign language as you suddenly have hundreds, if not thousands, of new words to learn! For today’s blog post, I decided I would list 25 great words in English that you might want to adopt into your everyday (or writing) vocabulary.
All definitions are from: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary
25 Great Words in English
1) Haberdashery
a shop selling notions (small useful items) or men’s clothing and accessories
2) Serendipity
the faculty or phenomenon of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for
3) Escapade
a usually adventurous action that runs counter to approved or conventional conduct
4) Effervescent
having the property of forming bubbles ; marked by or producing effervescence
5) Calamity
a disastrous event marked by great loss and lasting distress and suffering
6) Demure
reserved or modest in manner
modestly styled or dressed
7) Pretence
8) Nightingale
an Old World flycatcher (Luscinia megarhynchos synonym Erithacus megarhynchos) that has a brown back, a reddish tail, and cream or white underparts and that is noted for the sweet usually nocturnal song of the male
9) Gregarious
tending to associate with others of one’s kind : social
marked by or indicating a liking for companionship : sociable
of or relating to a social group
10) Galumphing
to move with a clumsy heavy tread
11) Presumptuous
overstepping due bounds (as of propriety or courtesy) : taking liberties
12) Henceforth
from this point on
13) Aforementioned
mentioned previously
14) Palaver
a long parley usually between persons of different cultures or levels of sophistication
conference, discussion
idle talk
misleading or beguiling speech
15) Premonitory
giving warning
16) Dilapidated
decayed, deteriorated, or fallen into partial ruin especially through neglect or misuse
17) Treacherous
likely to betray trust :Â unreliable
providing insecure footing or support
marked by hidden dangers, hazards, or perils
18) Wallowing
to roll oneself about in a lazy, relaxed, or ungainly manner
19) Veracious
20) Zesty
having or characterized by zest : appealingly piquant or lively
21) Tyrannical
being or characteristic of a tyrant or tyranny : despotic
22) Chuffed
quite pleased : delighted
23) Pristine
belonging to the earliest period or state :Â original
not spoiled, corrupted, or polluted (as by civilization) : pure
fresh and clean as or as if new
24) Elated
marked by high spirits : exultant
25) Hinder
to make slow or difficult the progress of : hamper
hold back : prevent, check
And there you have it! 25 words that I think are great in English. I’m always open to suggestions so please leave me your favourite words in the comments.
If you have any great words in your own language, then please share them with me too!
Check out my post about my 2025 Reading Challenge so you can see where I hope to be learning new words this year.
If you’re looking for teaching resources, then you can peruse my TPT store here: Miss Bonheur.