Do you want to tick off a bucket list but feel overwhelmed by how expensive it will be? Or do you want to challenge yourself to see how much you can do for free? In that case, I have compiled a list of ten free bucket list ideas that will hopefully inspire you to do more for less!
Whilst you can do all of these ideas for absolutely nothing, there are some that you could improve by spending a little bit of money such as by buying certain items of clothing or equipment. Whether or not you do this, is entirely up to you!
10 Free Bucket List Ideas
1) Climb a mountain
Climbing a mountain is a free activity and a fun but challenging experience to have! If you live near a mountain, then why not try reaching the summit? To tick off this bucket list idea, you may want to invest in some good walking/climbing boots to make it easier and you may have to factor in travel costs if you don’t live nearby. But overall this is something that can be done for free! Don’t forget to bring your own snacks and water.
2) Swim in the sea or a lake in winter
This one is not for the faint of heart! Why not give going for an icy dip a go? If you live near the sea, or a body of water such as a river or lake, then you could try going for a cold swim in winter to get those endorphins rushing around. This idea is entirely free, as you don’t need any special clothes, however you may want to travel to the sea or a lake in particular which could add on transport fees.
PLEASE practice safe swimming and double check that the water is safe to swim in!
3) Run a long distance
You could try running around your neighbourhood with a specific distance goal in mind. All you would need is a pair of trainers! Official races often cost money to enter but running a marathon around your city on your own or with friends is completely free (apart from investing in some good running trainers). You could run a 5km, 10km, half or full marathon or even just 500m up the road! Whatever you can manage physically.
4) Learn how to sing
If you’ve always wanted to be the next Beyoncé, then why not learn how to sing? There are so many great videos on YouTube nowadays that can teach you how to sing, starting from a complete beginner to more advanced. Remember that you don’t ever have to show anyone what you’ve learnt, this could be a skill that you learn simply for yourself and for your own pleasure. So don’t let fear hold you back, as long as you’re having fun that’s all that matters!
5) Learn a foreign language
In a similar way to idea #4, you could learn a foreign language for free at home! There are tons of free language-learning resources on the internet nowadays with even free apps that you can use to speak with native speakers. So whether your goal is to be fluent, or simply to learn some basic phrases, you can tick off this idea without spending any money.
6) Watch a sunrise/sunset
Watching the sun rise or set is a totally free experience that is always incredible. Whether you’re at home in your house, or on top of a mountain, seeing the beauty of the sun can never be matched. Why not try getting up really early one day to watch the sun rise? See how it makes you feel and how it sets you up for the day.
7) Volunteer for a charity or an organisation
The best thing about volunteering is that you get to learn and experience things for free! The only thing you have to spend here is your time so why not give it a try? There are lots of charities or organisations looking for volunteers. Have a quick search online for somewhere near you and give it a go! Why not push yourself out of your comfort zone and volunteer in a sector that is completely new for you?
8) Start a blog or social media page
It’s never too late to start a blog or a social media page like an Instagram or TikTok account! Provided you already have an internet connection and a device such as a phone or laptop, you can set up any of these things for zero cost. You may decide to invest later on down the line if you end up being passionate about it, but initially you don’t have to pay anything. All you need is yourself!
9) Go on a fitness journey
If you’ve always dreamt about getting in shape or being able to do 50 push ups, then why not start your fitness journey? There are many workouts online for free and you can do so many things with just your own body weight. No need to invest in any equipment or pay for a gym membership as you can get amazing results just by moving your body in your own home.
10) Change your life with meditation
For this idea, you simply need somewhere to sit and your own brain. You don’t need to pay for guided meditations or fancy journal prompts, you can simply sit in silence for however long you want and calm your body and mind. Everyone can meditate and the results it can have on your life can be truly incredible. Why not give it a try?
I hope these ideas have inspired you and shown you that you can do great things for free. In a world that is obsessed with overconsumption, it’s nice to be reminded that we don’t need to continually buy things.
Let me know in the comments below if you try any of these. And don’t hesitate to leave your own ideas in the comments too!
Check out my other Bucket List ideas post here: 10 Unusual Bucket List Ideas.