Whoever said that becoming a teacher meant learning new things every single day for the rest of your life was certainly not wrong. Since starting teaching, I have probably learnt more about the profession, about how children learn, and about myself than I have learnt in all of my years of study. Teaching can sometimes…
Author: missbonheur
Book Review : Betty de Tiffany McDaniel
[DISCLAIMER : Cette page contient des liens affiliates. Si vous utilisez les liens, je recevrai une petite commission pour chaque achat.] J’ai pris ce livre au hasard quand j’étais à la Fnac car je trouvais la couverture très belle avec les étoiles et les couleurs. J’étais loin de m’en douter que ce serait un des…
Teacher Burnout: The Importance of Rest
Being the hardworking, perfectionist student that I am, I have suffered burnout one too many times. It normally hits me the worst at the end of the winter semester, just before Christmas. I think that the combination of end of semester exams, the freezing cold, the rain, the dark mornings and nights, and long days…
Master MEEF : Conseils pour le mémoire
Comme pour tous les masters, pour pouvoir valider un master MEEF il faut écrire un mémoire. Le mémoire est sans doute la partie la plus effrayante d’un master car il s’agit de choisir son propre sujet et de travailler dessus tout seul, tout en gérant ses cours, son stage, ses devoirs et sa vie en…
My TBR List for 2023
My reading goal for 2022 was to read ten books and I managed to hit this target just two days before the end of the year. Whilst I was very happy to have hit my goal, I would’ve liked to have read more books or at least reached the big ten a bit earlier on…
Do I regret becoming a teacher?
Teaching has always been something that I have enjoyed and been good at ever since I was very young, yet it has never been my ‘dream career’. The truth is that I’ve never really known what I wanted to do with my life as I felt drawn to multiple things at once and couldn’t imagine…
My 2023 Goals
Considering that it’s the New Year, it felt right to dedicate a post to my goals for 2023. I’m a very pro-goal person, I absolutely adore thinking up challenges and things that I want to do differently for the upcoming year that I haven’t yet managed to do. However, I’m equally not very disciplined when…
Prof d’anglais : le premier jour
Parlons-nous du premier jour de la rentrée scolaire, de la première heure même, face à sa première classe d’élèves, ce qui était pour moi, au collège. Comme toute chose que l’on fait pour la première fois, on ressent une vague d’émotions différentes : la peur, la joie, l’angoisse, la curiosité, le bonheur, le soulagement d’y être…