Si vous êtes comme moi, vous avez adoré regarder les vidéos “Ce que j’ai dans mon sac” sur YouTube. J’aimais regarder en particulier celles des célébrités car cela m’intéressait beaucoup de savoir quel type de choses ils gardaient dans leurs sacs. Alors en faisant mon sac de prof ce matin, je me suis dit pourquoi…
Category: Teaching
Learning English with Social Media
I don’t know about you, but I am encountering more and more pupils who are learning English with social media. Instead of using books or audio courses, they are reading and replying to Tweets and following English-speaking influencers on YouTube. Whilst social media can have a bad rep, and rightly so, it is also an…
Pourquoi je démissionne de l’Éducation Nationale
Bon… Il y a cinq ans, je n’aurais jamais rêvé qu’un jour, je serais en train d’écrire cet article de blog. Mais voilà . Après de très longues réflexions, une année de report de stage et des expériences de l’enseignement en dehors de l’Éducation Nationale, j’ai pris la grande décision de démissionner et de…
Why Teaching English is Hard as a Native Speaker
It is very common for people to think that teaching their native language will be easy. After all, you’ve spoken it all your life and have no problems understanding everything. Surely it can’t be that hard? Let me tell you that yes, it is that hard. So if you’re thinking about becoming an English teacher outside…
5 Ways to Stay Organised as a Teacher
[Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links which means that I will earn a small commission from your purchases if you use these links, at no cost to you.] I love being organised. There is nothing better than having everything ready in advance. So when I started working as a teacher, I was instantly excited to…
Prof d’anglais : mes fournitures scolaires
[DISCLAIMER : Cette page contient des liens affiliates. Si vous utilisez les liens, je recevrai une petite commission pour chaque achat.] S’il y a une chose que j’aime plus qu’enseigner, c’est d’acheter des fournitures scolaires. Depuis petite, j’ai une passion pour tout ce qui est de cahiers, carnets, jolis stylos, belles trousses, surligneurs. J’étais toujours,…
What I Have Learnt So Far as a Teacher
Whoever said that becoming a teacher meant learning new things every single day for the rest of your life was certainly not wrong. Since starting teaching, I have probably learnt more about the profession, about how children learn, and about myself than I have learnt in all of my years of study. Teaching can sometimes…
Teacher Burnout: The Importance of Rest
Being the hardworking, perfectionist student that I am, I have suffered burnout one too many times. It normally hits me the worst at the end of the winter semester, just before Christmas. I think that the combination of end of semester exams, the freezing cold, the rain, the dark mornings and nights, and long days…
Do I regret becoming a teacher?
Teaching has always been something that I have enjoyed and been good at ever since I was very young, yet it has never been my ‘dream career’. The truth is that I’ve never really known what I wanted to do with my life as I felt drawn to multiple things at once and couldn’t imagine…
Prof d’anglais : le premier jour
Parlons-nous du premier jour de la rentrée scolaire, de la première heure même, face à sa première classe d’élèves, ce qui était pour moi, au collège. Comme toute chose que l’on fait pour la première fois, on ressent une vague d’émotions différentes : la peur, la joie, l’angoisse, la curiosité, le bonheur, le soulagement d’y être…